Facility Request and Usage

We welcome the use of our home to the glory of God from whom all blessings flow.  In order for all who use the facility to be good stewards of what God has blessed us with, there are a few procedures that have been established.

First, please take a look at the calendar below and check to see if the day, time, and room are available for your use.  If so, please click FACILITY REQUEST to submit to make a request to use the facility.  Please make your request at least two weeks in advance to give our staff ample time to discuss the request and offer changes as needed.  All requests have to be submitted each Tuesday by 5:00PM to be considered during our staff meeting on Wednesday morning.

CLICK HERE to see the expectation of the ministry or group using the facility.

If you need to cancel a facility request, please email admin@english.nhcclife.org.  Please type “Facility Cancellation” in the subject and include all the details of your request.  If you need to cancel, please do so as soon as possible to free the space up for another ministry.

If you need to change a facility request, please email admin@english.nhcclife.org.  Please type “Facility Change” in the subject and include all the details of your request.  If you need to change, please do so as soon as possible to free the space up for another ministry.

Facility Request

Facility Calendar
